Boston IVF offers New England’s only on-site wellness center, providing holistic treatments to complement fertility care. Our virtual and in-person services are designed to help patients feel nurtured, balanced, and empowered throughout their journey.
Established in 2006, Boston IVF's Wellness Center offers innovative, scientifically-supported programs that coordinate with your fertility treatments to reduce the physical and psychological symptoms that accompany family building treatment and care.
Located at Boston IVF's fertility center in Waltham, MA, patients throughout Massachusetts are welcome to utilize the Wellness Center's myriad offerings.
Patients receiving care at Boston IVF centers in New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and beyond are encouraged to speak with their care team to receive more information about local and national fertility wellness resources.
Call (781) 434-6578 today to schedule a session with one of our fertility acupuncturists, counselors, or nutrition experts.
How can acupuncture help?
Reduces anxiety levels before and/or after embryo transfer
Increases uterine blood flow
Improves endometrial receptivity
Coordinated treatment pre- and post-embryo transfer for IVF patients
Coordinated acupuncture treatment that aligns with IUI procedures
Sessions help with stress, anxiety, and other emotional symptoms
Treatments at any point before or during any fertility treatment with Boston IVF
Our team of mental health professionals specializes in navigating:
Unsuccessful cycles
LGBTQ+ family building
Fertility treatment with third party reproduction
Sadness, anxiety, irritability, loneliness, stress, and frustration are all common feelings when the journey to parenthood is more difficult than anticipated. Our in-house counseling services can help you cope with this challenging experience. Each of the mental health professionals practicing at our Wellness Center are highly experienced in treating the complex emotional aspects of infertility and family building.
We offer individual or couples counseling sessions to work through the feelings of stress, grief, or anxiety relating to treatment, miscarriage, infertility, and family building.
Our counselors specialize in fertility treatment and family building, offering expert emotional support, guidance, and coping strategies tailored to each step of your journey.
All Boston IVF Wellness Center staff accept insurance. Contact our office to confirm coverage and gain access to supportive counseling on your fertility journey.
Our team also provides essential counseling for those conceiving with third party assistance, including egg or sperm donors and gestational carriers.
Consult our nutritionist for:
Tailored lifestyle recommendations
Weight loss support
Pregnancy diet advice
PCOS lifestyle modification counseling
Our Wellness Center's nutrition expert, Hillary Wright, MEd, RD, LDN, offers personalized, non-diet lifestyle guidance tailored to fertility goals, specializing in support for individuals with health factors affecting fertility. They include:
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Food sensitivities and allergies, including gluten and lactose intolerance
Manage nutrition during and beyond cancer treatment
On staff at Boston IVF is Hillary Wright, MEd, RD, LDN, a registered dietitian and PCOS expert who specializes in fertility nutrition. Hillary works seamlessly with Boston IVF doctors to help support weight management, especially in patients with PCOS.
Additionally, she is the author of "The PCOS Diet Plan" and "The Prediabetes Diet Plan".
Wherever you are in your fertility journey, we look forward to being part of your story.
Pursuing assisted reproductive technologies to build your family can be full of uncertainty. We’re always here, and we’re always happy to help.