Hillary Wright Featured on “40+ Fitness” Podcast

Hillary Wright Featured on “40+ Fitness” Podcast

Listen: Hillary Wright & The PCOS Diet Plan Featured on “40+ Fitness” Podcast

PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age, affecting 14 million women in the US alone.

In spite of how common it is among women, it isn’t typically very well-known. “Even if someone hasn’t heard of PCOS, I guarantee someone around them has it, even if they don’t know they have it,” says Hillary.

Because it’s so common, everyone, man or woman, should be familiar with what it is and how to manage this endocrine problem.

“I’m not trying to put people on one more diet – I’m trying to educate people about lifelong change.”

“Grounded in science, inspired by compassion,” Hillary’s book is a result of “17 years of speaking to thousands of women who are living with PCOS,” and focuses on nutrition and lifestyle management of PCOS.

“People understand how their body works,” says Hillary, “they just need it explained in a way they understand.” In the case of women with PCOS, this often means reinforcing that “your body is not the enemy – women with PCOS are just really sensitive to the negative effects of modern life.”

In other words, PCOS is a “metabolic condition that has very far reaching effects on health for the entire life cycle. Fortunately, it reacts very strongly to lifestyle change. You can feel better in your body.”

The PCOS Diet Plan demystifies PCOS by explaining its underlying cause (insulin resistance) and helping women to understand how lifestyle and diet changes influence reproductive hormones and decrease risk for diabetes, heart disease, and infertility. Hillary includes day-to-day strategies, sample meal plans, and shopping lists to make this a truly comprehensive guide.

Hillary’s 9 Strategies for Dealing with Health and Lifestyle Change

“While PCOS is believed to be genetic and incurable, it is controllable,” says Hillary. At the same time, it’s “not like just flipping a light switch—there are a number of little pieces that need to come together to create a healthy body.”

To navigate the diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes that are necessary in order to regain control of your body with PCOS, Hillary shares some strategies to help you stay the course:

  1. Learn how your body works.
  2. Try to avoid the “I’m a failure” syndrome.
  3. Keep a food journal.
  4. Don’t eat too much at night.
  5. Accept that there’s some discomfort involved.
  6. Focus on the positive.
  7. Make losing weight a priority.
  8. Manage your mindset and your expectations.
  9. Don’t go it alone.

For more words of wisdom on all things PCOS, fertility, and to dive deeper into each strategy, listen to the full 40+ Fitness Podcast "Dealing with PCOS with Hillary Wright.

Purchase The PCOS Diet Plan on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/PCOS-Diet-Plan-Second-Polycystic-ebook/dp/B01JWDWOYA/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1493752228&sr=1-2&keywords=pcos+diet+plan