By Vanessa & Jerry
My husband and I tried for almost 2 years without ever getting pregnant. We contacted Boston IVF after a friend had success with them. We met with Dr. Lannon, who developed a plan. We were self pay and didn't have to follow an insurance company's plan. We tried two cycles of IUI which resulted in no pregnancies. Both of us were heartbroken. We had no real infertility diagnosis and no results. We decided to take some time focus on something else (we bought & remodeled a house) - and then in June, 2012 we met with Dr. Lannon. We decided to pursue the mini IVF embryo transfer. We transferred two embryos. One was a grade 5 one a grade 8. I also used fertility acupuncture for the 6 weeks before, many times the week of my retrieval & transfer - and a few times a week over the following 2 weeks. Both embryos "took" and we had a set a fraternal twins at 34 weeks. Maxwell & Zoey! They are healthy, energetic 3 year old's now! I can't say enough positive about the Portland, Maine crew!!

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?
I always felt supported, questions were always answered honestly. They were supportive in our ups and downs!
What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
A "high" was the first beta test! I'm pretty sure we were the first people in Maine to get pregnant with twins from the mini IVF embryo transfer! A "low" was unsuccessful IUI's, back to back.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
Don't give up no matter what your diagnosis or struggle is. It IS possible! It just takes the right cycle for your body to do what it needs to do! Trust me - it's worth all the struggles, heartache, and tears.