Stephanie & Neil


Male factor


Our journey lasted 3 years and we did 3 IVF cycles.

Real Stories

Stephanie & Neil

Stephanie & Neil

our story

By Stephanie & Neil

Neil and I were just like many other couples, happily married and ready to start a family. After months of actively trying with no success we decided to get further testing. We never anticipated the long, hard, emotional road that was ahead of us. After months of tests on myself and husband it was discovered that Neil had congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens but plenty of healthy sperm internally. This occurs in males when the tubes that carry sperm fail to develop properly. He had major surgery to try to correct the problem. We were told we may or may not be able to conceive naturally after surgery and that it was best to start the IVF process.

We were referred to Boston IVF by a lovely couple who had gone through the process and had twins. We teamed up with Dr. Bayer and started our IVF journey. After our first meeting with him, we knew we were going to become parents. He was very reassuring and always had a positive attitude. Our first 2 transfers were unsuccessful, and in the moments of hearing this news it was very painful, but we pushed through the pain and emotions and kept trying. Our third transfer was a frozen transfer with 2 embryos. This time we were pregnant! We welcomed our beautiful daughter May 23, 2014. Nine months later, to our surprise we found out were were pregnant again. My husbands surgery had worked after all and we welcomed our son October 5, 2015.

Two beautiful babies born under 2 years apart, never would I have imagined this would be our story. We could not have done it without the help of Dr. Bayer and the wonderful staff at Boston IVF. We will be forever grateful for our most precious gifts. ❤

Stephanie & Neil

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?

Dr. Bayer has a way with his words. He speaks calmly and there is hope in his voice. That hope kept me strong through the process - and I knew I would have a child.

What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?

The first heartbeat was a super high! The "lows" were definitely the failed attempts. But I always kept the faith!

What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?

Don't ever ever give up! Your baby is waiting for you no matter which road you travel on this journey. Trust in the process and trust your team.