Sarah & Kyle


Recurrent miscarriage

Unexplained infertility


Brian Berger, MD


Our journey to "baby" took us three years. In those 3 years we went through numerous clomid cycles, two IUI's, 2 rounds of IVF with fresh transfers, and 2 FET's.

Real Stories

Sarah & Kyle

Sarah & Kyle

our story

By Sarah & Kyle

We had been under another doctors care for a year and had not received any results, or answers. I had scheduled a consultation with Dr. Brian Berger for March 16th, about a month in advance, not knowing that I would be mid ivf cycle. My consultation with Dr. Berger conveniently was 4 days past my egg retrieval. Meeting with him was immediately life-changing and eye opening going over my history, and my current IVF cycle results. We had planned to do PGS testing on our embryos, but meeting with Dr. Berger, and having only two promising embryos on day 4, it was advised we transfer the next day and skip PGS testing altogether!

We went in for a transfer the next day and transferred both of our day 5 embryos. Just a few days later, two beautiful pink lines appeared on a home pregnancy test. We were so excited, but so scared. This was our fourth pregnancy, the previous three ending in miscarriage. Around 7 weeks we had our first ultrasound and saw one beautiful, healthy heartbeat. We will forever be grateful for Dr. Berger for making this last-minute, life changing call!

Sarah & Kyle

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?

Dr. Berger was extremely knowledgeable and confident with every word he spoke. He was the perfect doctor for us. A desire to be aggressive with treatment, yet comforting in case things didn't work out, we both had the same goal in mind; to get pregnant and to STAY pregnant!

What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?

We had been trying for a year and on our very first clomid cycle, we got pregnant! We were so thrilled. Sadly, around 10 weeks we went in for an ultrasound and learned that our baby did not have a heartbeat. I had suffered a missed miscarriage. It was the hardest thing I have had to go through in my life. So much promise and hope, so quickly snatched away from my husband and I. After time off, and a few more failed clomid cycles, we moved onto Boston IVF. We underwent multiple IUIs, which all failed, and then on to IVF. We were under treatment for a full year and in that time-frame we suffered two more additional miscarriages. Having had three miscarriages, each so different, was soul crushing.

Myself and my husband always tried to keep the faith, but when you are kicked down so many times, it's so hard to get back up. But we always did! Our biggest high of our journey was seeing our baby's heartbeat for the first time. We both burst into tears and thanked God for this little miracle growing inside of me! It made all we had gone through and the fight so worth it.

What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?

Don't be afraid or ashamed to talk about your struggle. I kept so much in, as it was so hard to hear unsolicited advice from others who had not gone through infertility and miscarriage. Once I found women who shared the same struggles as me, I felt so empowered and felt it was my duty to share my story and be there for others who needed the support.