Rachel & Chris




Brian Berger, MD


8 years total for 2 children

Real Stories

Rachel & Chris

Rachel & Chris

our story

By Rachel & Chris

One year ago today we transferred one frozen embryo after a devastating loss. We were filled with fear and doubt but also a tiny bit of hope that this would lead us to our rainbow baby! One year later we are forever grateful for Boston IVF’s team for completing our family as Gabriel Dominic is 3 months old. Thank you Dr. Berger and all the wonderful nurses and staff for navigating us through this journey.

Rachel & Chris

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?

Dr Berger is the BEST!! So blessed to have my two boys thanks to him!

What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?

Both of my boys were once frozen embryos! We had 7 transfers-2 children and 2 miscarriages. One loss was after we found out our one embryo split and we were having mono di twins. After genetic testing we discovered that both babies had a 90% chance of being affected by Trisomy 21. When we went in for a CVS we were told there was no heartbeat and we lost our babies. We were completely devastated. We grieved and knew we had to make a decision if we were going to transfer the embryos we had frozen. The next transfer led us to our baby Gabriel who completed our family!

What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?

Don’t lose hope!