By Lauren & Tom
From the moment we met, we both knew we wanted a family. Being surrounded by friends and family members who had no difficulty starting families, we assumed the same would be for us. After almost a year of trying, we were incredibly thankfully to be pregnant. Sadly, that pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 10 weeks. We continued on, knowing we still desperately wanted a family. During fertility testing we learned we had male factor infertility, as well as I suffered from Hashimotos. We met with Doctor Wright, and she came up with a plan for IVF with PGS testing as our best chance of having a successful pregnancy.
We went through one embryo transfer cycle and were overjoyed to have 7 embryos make it to PGS testing. We were extremely lucky that 5 of those 7 embryos came back normal. Two months after my egg retrieval, we transferred one embryo, our son. After about a year and half of trying, I was pregnant with our rainbow baby. Kason arrived early at 34 weeks, due to Vasa Previa (unrelated to IVF). Weighing in at 4lbs and 15.5oz, he spent 12 days in the NICU. He is now 16 weeks old, over 12lbs and the happiest baby I know. Boston IVF have us our dream, a healthy and happy child. We are forever grateful.

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?
Infertility and infertility treatment can be overwhelming and scary process. Our team at Boston IVF supported me and my husband the entire way. The nurses and doctors were incredibly caring and understanding. I always felt that any question I had was important and thoroughly answered. I never felt like a number, but rather felt like part of one supportive family. Without Boston IVF, we wouldn’t have our son.
What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
We started our journey at Boston IVF having just experienced the lowest low we could have imagined, a miscarriage. What Boston IVF have us was hope and support to make it through. Our biggest high during our IVF process was that first phone call with my HCG blood level test results telling us we were pregnant. I will never forget that day.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
You are not alone in the process. This journey is not easy, but you are strong. Everyone’s journey is different, but the end is worth going through the process a million times over. Please know that family that you dream of will happen.