By Kristen & Mike
We got married in October of 2014 and waited a bit to start trying for children. Once we did start, we got pregnant right away but experienced a chemical pregnancy-a positive pregnancy test with almost immediate bleeding and an end to the pregnancy. That happened twice more before we sought medical help. My OBGYN didn’t think it was a big deal and encouraged us to wait until the year mark to seek a fertility specialist, but we knew something wasn’t right. We saw Dr. Elguero and immediately felt comfortable with her explanations of things and our plan of care. We tried several months of progesterone supplementation with no success and then went through testing to begin IUI. We discovered endometrial polyps, which needed to be removed, and a blocked tube, and after surgery to deal with that, we started our IUI cycles. The first was canceled due to an unexpected overreaction to Clomid.
After three more cycles, we were finally pregnant. The early ultrasounds with the Albany office were so comforting, especially with the experience of many early losses. It was a wonderful experience to be signed out to go and be a “normal” obstetrical patient at ten weeks. Our daughter Anna was born on May 18, 2018. We went on to give her a little sister on March 10. 2020, and were surprised with needing no help to do so.

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?
Jess Camprone was a great nurse and very communicative!
What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
Our journey was before IVF was mandated coverage in New York, so a low was wondering how we would pay for IVF if we needed it. The high was a successful pregnancy.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
Don’t give up. It might feel like you’re hitting a thousand walls, but don’t give up. Find a community to support you. Infertility is so common. Find others out there experiencing the same thing to talk to.