Jessica & Jason


NONE/Elective care


I was a gestational surrogate for my best friends- Adam and Jay. We underwent 3 cycles while working with Boston IVF, using two 5 day embryos each time. In the first cycle, although one embryo took- it stopped growing early on. The second cycle was successful and they had a beautiful little boy. The third cycle both embryos took- and one split.

Real Stories

Jessica & Jason

Jessica & Jason

our story

By Jessica & Jason

My husband and I were approached by our best friends Adam and Jay regarding being a surrogate for them several years ago. After we were done having our own children we agreed. They used donor eggs. The first cycle was disappointing, but the second cycle was a great success. Their son was born in 2017. They approached me again so they could expand their family one last time, and after working out the timing (I was in grad school) and talking with my family, we agreed to do it one last time. My kids absolutely love their first son (we call him their cousin), and they loved the idea of having another cousin.

I had horrible morning sickness leading up to our follow-up appointment after the transfer, and pretty sure there were twins because I had never had morning sickness with my other pregnancies. Turns out we were pregnant with triplets! Triplets come with their own risks and stress. You definitely have to be well informed and make decisions as a group. In the end, we kept all three and they managed to stay in until 34 weeks. Adam & Jay are amazing parents, and I know they will get through the stress of having four kids under the age of 2!

Jessica & Jason

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?

We switched providers after our first cycle. The nice thing about Boston IVF is they have many providers and you can find one that you click with. We did not click with the first one, so when we learned that we would need another cycle, we switched to Dr. Bayer after a glowing recommendation. We couldn't have been happier. He personally would call us to check in. He answered all our questions. He was warm and open. Julia and Dawn were great resources and Amanda was great about getting back, whether it was a phone call or e-mail.

What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?

I think the lows would be the amount of medication you have to take, and the injections. But if you can find someone that will help administer them it makes it less of a burden! The unique aspect about our story was that I am a surrogate for best friends. They are a gay couple and from our two successful cycles, they have four beautiful children!

What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?

I have not had much experience with prolonged fertility, however, I have had two miscarriages. I think the main thing is to know it is okay to talk about, and many people are in your shoes and you may not know about it!