Jessica & David




Sonia Elguero, MD


After trying for 6 months and 1 miscarriage we were with Boston IVF - Albany for four months.

Real Stories

Jessica & David

Jessica & David

our story

By Jessica & David

I first came to see Dr. Sonia Elguero at Boston IVF's IVF fertility center in Albany after my OB/GYN said she was the best! So, l knew I needed to get in for a consult with her before I gave up hope. I thank God everyday for getting me in to see her. My back story is that at a young age I was diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus, also known as a heart shaped uterus. Because of the shape, it lessens the room a baby has to grow. The dip in the heart is known as a septum. Sometimes it is vascular tissue and sometimes avascular, making it dangerous for the placenta to attach to. When my husband and I were ready to start a family, I was told I didn’t need to worry about getting pregnant with this type of uterus. After about 6 months of trying, I got pregnant but I sadly had a miscarriage at about 6 weeks. Although this wasn’t thought to be related to my uterus I still wanted some answers.

The fertility doctor I saw (not Boston IVF just yet) did an MRI and said yes, I had a bicornuate uterus and no - it could not be repaired. I was told to go ahead and try again. We got pregnant pretty quickly but sadly my daughter was born sleeping at 24 weeks due to a placental abruption. This was caused by the placenta attaching to the septum where there wasn’t enough blood flow to survive. The heartbreak and devastation we endured was indescribable and something we will deal with everyday for the rest of our lives.  It was these high risk doctors that referred me to Dr. Elguero specifically. I was anxious and wanted answers.

From my first visit she was so warm and comforting and brought hope to such a devastating situation. She said there were several other tests we needed to run to determine if in fact my uterus was able to be repaired or not. After several months of testing and 2 surgeries later, Dr. Elguero was able to repair my uterus so that it was safe for me to try and conceive again. I ended up having what is called a septate uterus (one that could be fixed) - not a bicornuate uterus like I had been told for so long. The fact that she had such patience and took the time to explore every avenue to try and help me achieve my dream of being a mother is priceless and something I could never repay. Fast forward to August 20, 2019. I delivered a healthy baby girl!  I thank God everyday for her.  My husband and I are so blessed. This little girl brings so much joy and light into our lives and we love her with all of our hearts. None of this would be possible without Dr. Elguero and Boston IVF in Albany. My husband and I are forever grateful.

Jessica & David

What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?

The fact that she had such patience and took the time to explore every avenue to try and help me achieve my dream of being a mother is priceless and something I could never repay.

What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?

Never give up!