By Jennifer & Dennis
After 2+ years for trying on our own and then after being turned away by a different fertility clinic, we found Dr Bayer. The road was long. There was often no reason that our embryos didn't implant, but with support at Boston IVF and 7 cycles, we we finally blessed with healthy, beautiful twins! On October 28, 2008 all of our hopes and dreams came true! Being parents has changed our lives and we know everyday how lucky we are to have our kids and to have found Dr. Bayer and Boston IVF.

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?
Boston IVF knows their stuff. They are caring and supportive. They never gave up on us, even when we questioned if I could - or should - continue. They were always so respectful of our journey. It's not easy, but it is worth it.
What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
I was very heavy when we were trying to convieve (300lbs). There were concerns about using complete/general anesthesia for our first egg retrieval. After meeting with the anesthesiologist, we came up with a safer alternative that would keep me safe and still be able to retrieve my eggs. I was grateful that I was not turned away and that I didn't need to abandon that cycle.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
Keep going! If you have the need in your soul to become a parent, that was instilled in you for a reason. There is always help. There is always another avenue to try. Make sure you have good communication with you partner and your team of doctors. It is a very stressful, trying time, but is is worth it. There is not a single day that I ever regret all that I did to have my babies.