By Jamilyn & Andrew
Boston IVF was our second clinic. The first one we went to refused to do anything unless I lost 60 pounds. I lost 30 on my own and they still wouldn't do anything and charged us for every procedure, even a 10 minute phone call. We decided to leave after 2 years. When we met Dr. Lannon we felt like he really listened to us. We tried the first cycle in July 2014. Due to complications we retrieved 7 eggs, 4 fertilized and 2 made it to day 5. My hormones were incredibly high though and for safety, we decided to freeze the 2 embryos we had left. We did a frozen transfer in October, 2014 (it took until then for my body to go back to normal) but unfortunately it didn't work. That was one of the hardest days we'd been through.
We waited until June 2015 and tried another frozen transfer with our last embryo. Much to our surprise and excitement, it worked and we're blessed with our beautiful baby girl on March 23.

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?
Stay positive! Dr. Lannon supported us each time we went in. He offered a plan and explained everything to us. He answered any questions we had, even when they seemed trivial.
What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
The highest "high" was when we got that positive test result!! The lows were when we had to stop the first cycle 3/4 of the way through and then again when we tried in October and rec'd a negative test result. One thing that's unique about our story is that we kept hitting so many bumps in the road, even when we were doing cycles.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
Never give up. Trust your doctor and nursing team. Always try to stay positive!