Carissa & Dana


Male factor



Rita Sneeringer, MD


We did one round of IVF. One ET, one FET

Real Stories

Carissa & Dana

Carissa & Dana

our story

By Carissa & Dana

My husband and I met in college at UMass Dartmouth. We started dating in 2010 and got married in 2016. Four years in to our marriage, in 2020, my husband Dana was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, multiple myeloma. Up until this time, we were not sure we wanted children, but once we were told that if we did not act now, we may not be able to have children, we decided to go to Boston IVF. In 2020, I had polyps removed from my uterus. After this, in 2021, I started the IVF process. I had my egg retrieval and my first transfer. They embryo implanted & I was told I was pregnant.

However, after the first ultrasound after the transfer, we were told the heartbeat was not strong enough & I would most likely miscarry. At 9 weeks, the week after my birthday, I ended up needing a D&C. We tried again with a FET as soon as we could. On May 4th 2022, after the FET I found out I was pregnant again. I was extremely nervous after experiencing my first miscarriage. I was so happy when we went for our ultrasound and she had a strong heartbeat and we graduated from Boston IVF to our obgyn.

Carissa & Dana

What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?

Lows were needing the treatment in the first place. It was hard to accept that because of my husband's cancer we would not be able to have children naturally. High was finding out we graduated from Boston IVF to my obgyn

What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?

Always keep an open mind. Know you are not alone.