Britney & Patrick


Unexplained infertility



Kerri Luzzo, MD


5 years, 6 cycles, 2 egg retrievals, 2 different clinics

Real Stories

Britney & Patrick

Britney & Patrick

our story

By Britney & Patrick

My husband and I have been together since we were 17. We got married in 2017 and knew we wanted to start trying for a family within that first year. Knowing I would have a hard time getting pregnant due to me not having a period on my own, we went through the first year of trying and then made a call to our first clinic. We had our first egg retrieval, and we were able to do a fresh transfer and freeze 4 embryos.

Surprisingly for both of us, the first transfer took, and I was pregnant. Unfortunately, we lost this one around Week 8. Scared and nervous to keep going, we ended up trying 3 more transfers that were all unsuccessful. With one embryo left, we made the decision to get a second opinion at a new clinic and booked our first appointment with Dr. Kerri Luzzo. After meeting with Dr. Luzzo, she made us have hope again. We had to update some testing and we were able to do another egg retrieval in June 2021. In early July, 2021 we transferred 2 fresh embryos with the hope of one sticking. And just 2 weeks later we found out that both took! Around 7 Weeks, I experienced bleeding and thought I was having a miscarriage again. Our team, along with Dr. Luzzo, were so amazing and took me right in for an ultrasound. It showed that we did lose one of the embryos, but we still had one holding on!

They continued to monitor me very closely, and we were able to graduate from the clinic! Everything was going amazingly until one Wednesday night in December. I started bleeding at 26 weeks. I rushed to the hospital to be checked and learned I was going into pre-term labor. About 8 hours later, I delivered our beautiful baby girl, Stella. Unfortunately, our girl was too beautiful for this earth, and we had our hearts broken. Never did I ever imagine leaving the hospital without our baby. Months went by and we decided to have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Luzzo, just to catch up, and we ended up deciding that we should try another transfer. Fast forward to July 12, 2022. This date was already incredibly important to me, as it was exactly one year ago that we got our call saying my Beta was positive. My husband and I were waiting patiently in the exam room, getting ready for our transfer, when the nurse let us know who the doctor was going to be… and she had the same name as my nana who had passed away.

From that moment forward, I had hope that this was going to be our time. And 2 weeks later our beta was positive! It was a very emotional time and the fear of losing yet another baby was always in the front of my mind. But fast forward and on March 22, 2023, our beautiful baby boy was born 100% healthy! The moment when the doctor placed my baby in my arms, a child I never thought I'd have, and I heard his first cry as he lay on my chest is a memory I will never forget. We are beyond blessed to have been in the hands of this beautiful team at Boston IVF. We would not have our family if it wasn't for them encouraging us to never give up, even though we wanted to. It's true that after every storm, no matter how big or small, you always get the perfect rainbow!

Britney & Patrick

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?

Dr Luzzo and the Providence office

What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?

We experienced so many highs and lows during our family building journey, from going 2.5 years at a different clinic that never wanted to change our treatment plan to coming to Boston IVF and feeling like we were being heard and being asked what we wanted to do, and finally to having a successful transfer turn into a successful pregnancy.

What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?

Remember, you’re not alone in this. Always hold onto that little bit of hope, even when you do not want to.