By Amanda & Jesse
Life leading up to treatment was so happy. We traveled, made advancements in our careers, got married, and set ourselves up to become parents. Shortly after we were married, my husband and I started trying for children. At the time, many of my friends were getting married and starting their families. Year after year, we were not successful. I watched my friends have their first and second children while I still could not conceive. I found that I was losing friends because they were moving on with their families and making mom friends. I felt so left behind.
I had to stop going to baby showers, because I would cry for days after, mourning the baby I had yet to meet. I felt this overwhelming sense of missing someone that I hadn't met yet. The process of getting diagnosed and treatment took so long. After two years of being unable to start our family, we contacted our doctors. My husband underwent a barrage of tests only to be told there was no reason he couldn't have children. So, we started our journey at Boston IVF. The Boston IVF team diagnosed me with endometriosis (stage four) and PCOS. My ovaries had fused to the side wall of my abdomen, and there was such significant scaring on my fallopian tubes that there was an almost zero percent chance that I could conceive. I underwent three rounds of IUI with no success. With the third failed IUI, we decided to take Dr. Lannon's advice and start IVF. It was such a harrowing process involving shots, surgeries, and so many internal ultrasounds. But it was all so worth it. We were finally pregnant and on the first round, no less! We were told we only had a 30% chance of conceiving, especially on the first try. I remember crying after the implantation procedure because I finally had an embryo inside me.
I told my husband, "I don't care what anyone says or even if this one doesn't take... I'm finally pregnant." We hugged each other and cried right there in the parking lot. A few weeks later, it was confirmed that I was pregnant. I have never felt such joy and relief in my life. I would finally become the mom I always knew I was supposed to be. Throughout this journey, I was so fortunate that my best friend had her child via IUI and could understand the feeling of isolation and loneliness that comes with infertility. I had so many loved ones that wanted to help but didn't know how to. I hate being pitied and that is how I felt so often. I went through IVF during the height of the pandemic so there were no support groups, and I couldn't meet with providers in-person unless a procedure was happening. I could not have my husband with me when going through egg retrievals. I'm still working on healing the psychological stuff, but I am so happy today and so grateful. We say my son will never go a day wondering if he was wanted. I am grateful for Boston IVF and especially the nurses.
There was one nurse who was so kind and loving to me when I was doing my egg retrieval. All I can remember were how pretty her eyes were and how kind her words were. I couldn't have done it without her. Thank you to everyone there. I have a wonderful two-year-old boy, Jude, thanks to everyone there, and I am starting the process of having another child with Boston IVF's help.

How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?
The nursing staff.
What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
The highs were when we finally got our doctor to laugh. I also still chuckle when I remember how the internal ultrasound tech told me she had to finish up soon because she could see I was going to have to urinate quickly. She then showed me my bladder on the monitor. The low would be how many shots I received. The cost was another low. We went into major debt, which we are just now getting out of, even though we had insurance.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
My advice is, don't wait two years because a PCP told you to. You know your body best. Advocate for yourself, and don't be afraid to question everything. There is no easy way to go through this process. There is nobody to tell you what to do next. Be kind and polite, but don't be complacent.