By Alyson
In September 2016 my brother said to me, “What do you want out of life?” I remember replying so quickly with, “I want a baby!” The next day we talked to my mom and the journey to become a single mom by choice began! I had my first IUI in December 2016. Which unfortunately resulted in a chemical pregnancy. My 4th IUI was medicated in March of 2017 and I found out I was pregnant with twins! It ended up being a super rare heterotopic pregnancy. A baby in the tube and one in the uterus. I went through a D & E and 2 methotrexate injections. Plus consistent monitoring of my HGC until my levels went to zero. I also had to take a 3 month hiatus because of the injections. I was beyond devasted, but my family and the nurses at Boston IVF made me feel like I could absolutely go on.
The support they gave me was beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I was so lucky to have them! After that, I had 3 failed IUI’s until moving forward with IVF. My second and final round of IVF had 3 embryos make it to blastocysts and we were able to get them genetically tested. I ended up with one normal embryo which was a healthy baby girl!! In May 2, 2018 my daughter was transferred and the pregnancy journey began! I enjoyed every single second of my pregnancy!! I absolutely loved it. My support system was amazing! Then after 2 years and 29 days of fertility treatments- on January 15, 2019, I had my beautiful daughter! My life is now complete!! Although, the journey alone to become a single mom by choice wasn’t always easy, I had the best support system anyone could ask for!

What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
My experience at Boston IVF was amazing. My situation is not like the norm, but I never felt different or out of place. I really appreciated that.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
Love all the nurses I worked with. They were helpful, kind and pushed me to continue my journey.