A trigger shot is a one-time injectable medication used when people are going through ovarian hyperstimulation. It is to used signal the final steps of development in the egg before the follicles are ovulated, or surgically retrieved for those people going through in vitro fertilization (IVF) or egg freezing. This way, a mature egg (or eggs) will be ready for the egg retrieval procedure, intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedure, or timed intercourse to take place within a couple of days of the trigger shot.
The medication in a trigger shot is called hCG (humanchorionic gonadotropin, or brand name Ovidrel, Novarel, or Pregnyll) and/or leuprolide acetate (brand name Lupron).
Sometimes the trigger shot comes in a pre-filled syringe, and other times you need to mix the dose at home immediately before administering it. These injections are administered subcutaneously and are not typically painful. An ice pack on the injection site for a few minutes before you administer the shot might also make things more comfortable.
Read and follow the instructions on the package and refer to some of the how-to videos created by our partners at Village Fertility Pharmacy and Freedom Fertilty Pharmacy.