While there are a number of steps that a patient must take in order to prepare for an IVF cycle, likewise, the different laboratories at Boston IVF must complete certain tasks in order to ensure the procedure runs as smoothly as possible and to give the patient the highest chance of success.
Once an egg retrieval is performed, there needs to be a safe environment for the collected oocytes to be stored, optimized for fertilization and development.
It is one of the highly trained Boston IVF embryologists’ jobs to create such an environment, optimized for egg and embryo development and fertilization: a dish.
These dishes are prepared in advance the day before an egg retrieval. In order to prepare a dish to store retrieved oocytes, they are filled with a carefully tested/quality controlled and measured media. These drops of media are also overlaid with a culture oil which helps to maintain ideal media parameters including PH, osmolarity, and temperature.
Once constructed, the dishes are labeled with all the patient’s essential information and then placed within an incubator for equilibration. The perfectly prepared and correctly labeled dish will then be ready for use the following day.
On the day of an IVF cycle’s egg retrieval, it is the andrology lab’s job to properly prepare a sperm sample for usage in the fertilization process.
As with all procedures which occur in the Boston IVF laboratories, sperm preparation for an IVF cycle is a highly monitored and secure process which both ensures patient safety and security while also providing patients with their best chances of success.
After collection, a patient’s semen sample is brought to the Andrology lab and stored within their own prep station which contains its own centrifuge and tools. Two lab members ID each station to ensure that the patient’s name and unique identifiers that are listed on the sample cup, tubes, and paperwork all match.
At this point, an andrologist pipette out a small selection of the sample and brings it to the sperm counting device, known as a “Makler.” Looking through the microscope, the andrologist is then able to obtain a sperm count based on how many sperm they see on the grid of the Makler.
Once this sperm count is complete, the andrologist can start the process of preparing a sample of sperm that will provide the greatest chance of successful fertilization and embryo development.
The raw semen sample is overlayed on a particular media, known as a “gradient”, which acts as a filter for separating non-motile sperm and cellular debris. The tubes of semen sample and gradient are then placed into the centrifuge and spun at 1300 RPM for 10 minutes. At the end of this time, “pellets” can be observed at the very bottom of the tubes. This pellet contains a higher percentage of motile sperm.
A similar process is then repeated. The pellet is relocated via pipette into a “pellet tube.” Fertilization media is added to the pellet tube, mixed, and then the tube is placed into the centrifuge and spun at 800 RPM for 10 minutes. At the end of this time, the supernatant -the media on top of the pellet- is removed- before more fertilization media is added in order to resuspend the pellet and achieve the correct sperm concentration.
The andrologist will then use the Makler to obtain a final sperm count. This final processed sample is much cleaner and contains a higher percentage of motile sperm, thereby improving fertilization rates.
This sperm sample will then be securely stored until the eggs are ready to be inseminated.
Boston IVF's fertility labs stand as the cornerstone of our fertility centers, embodying our unwavering commitment to safety, quality, and optimal patient outcomes. The embryology, andrology, and endocrine laboratories unite a team of highly skilled professionals driven by dedication and passion. Their collaborative efforts behind the scenes reflect a commitment to excellence, ensuring that every aspect of the fertility journey is meticulously attended to. With cutting-edge technology, stringent quality control measures, and a shared goal of maximizing success, Boston IVF's laboratories pave the way for patients to embark on their fertility journey with confidence, offering the best chance for achieving their dreams of parenthood.