Becoming an egg donor gives you the chance to earn money AND give the wonderful gift of parenthood to people who aren’t able to conceive on their own!
→ Donate three times and get a Boston IVF egg freezing cycle for yourself! This includes, 6 frozen eggs and 7 years of storage at no extra charge!
(A $6,500+ value. It’s the perfect WIN-WIN)
→ Minimum of 22 eggs frozen to qualify
→ Help others start a family, make $22,000 – and
take control of your own future fertility!
→ To qualify, you must be a current 'My Egg Bank' donor
→ Healthy women, age 21-31
→ BMI of 18-27 (BMI Calculator)
→ Non-smoker
→ Minimum high school diploma
→ Lives/works in New England
→ Valid Social Security #
→ Must complete a medical screening for general & reproductive health, genetic testing and psychological stability
To get started, it's easy.
Simply click on the "Apply Now" button (you will be sent to our partners at My Egg Bank) and complete a short pre-screening questionnaire.
It all takes less than 3 minutes to complete.
We look forward to speaking with you, and will be in touch as soon as possible!